AHS101 Integumentary System

Relevant Qualifications

This unit is available for these qualifications:

Unit Description

AHS101 Integumentary System, introduces students to the complexity of the ‘integumentary system’, the skin and related appendages. Various barriers that the skin provides will be discussed as will various lesions. Homeostasis, hormones and epidermopoiesis will be explored. This is a fundamental unit that so many others will refer to and reflect on.


There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes (GA)

In addition to the unit-specific learning outcomes listed above, the following graduate attributes are taught, developed and assessed in varying degrees within this unit:

Key Dates

Week 1 Semester commences
Post Week 6 Mid-Semester Break
Week 7 Assessment 1: Mid Semester Exam 25%
Week 12 Assessment 2: Slide Exam 25%
Week 14 Assessment 3: Final Exam 40%
Weekly Assessment 4: Discussion Board Participation 10%
To be completed by Sunday weekly
No discussion for Week 1