Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

These terms and conditions apply to students enrolled in courses delivered by the Australasian College of Health and Wellness ('the Australasian College of Health and Wellness'), (TEQSA ID PRV13002), as well as any courses delivered for and on behalf of the Australasian College of Health and Wellness.

Withdrawals and Refunds Provisions

Tuition Assurance Provisions

Complaints, Grievances and Appeals Provisions

Informal Complaints

Formal Complaints

If the complaint is not upheld, then the complainant will be given a written explanation detailing the reasons for that decision. The complainant will also be advised of their right to access the internal appeals process if not satisfied with the outcome of the formal complaint.


Depending on the circumstances of the case some bodies may require that the Australasian College of Health and Wellness internal appeals process first be exhausted before making an external appeal.

Additional Costs

Additional non-tuition and administrative fees are published on the ACHW website and are updated from time to time. Refer to https://www.achw.edu.au/student-information/fee-help


The Australasian College of Health and Wellness reserves the right to change the particulars of the services, including changes to prices, courses, facilities and dates of programs where circumstances beyond the Australasian College of Health and Wellness’ control necessitate such changes or where the level of enrolments does not reach the minimum numbers required to operate a courseviably. The Australasian College of Health and Wellness also reserves the right to change course fees at its discretion.

Change History

Version V1.2
Approval date 17/04/2023
Approval by the Chief Executive Officer