Fees and FEE-HELP

Australasian College of Health & Wellness Pty Ltd (ABN 16 139036 721, TEQSA ID PRV13002) is an approved FEE-HELP provider and offers fee paying places within its undergraduate higher education courses. Eligible students may elect to utilise the Commonwealth Government’s Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) in order to pay all or part of their tuition fees.

The information below and more detailed information about the loan scheme is available through the Commonwealth government’s StudyAssist website.


FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible fee paying students pay all or part of their tuition fees. It cannot be used for additional study costs such as accommodation or text books. The total amount of FEE-HELP a person can use is known as the ‘FEE-HELP limit’. Once a person begins using FEE-HELP, the amount of FEE-HELP they have left to use is known as their ‘FEE-HELP balance’.

Eligibility for FEE-HELP*

You are eligible for FEE-HELP if you:

Are either:
a. an Australian citizen, or a New Zealand Special Category Visa (NZ SCV) holder who meets the long-term residency requirements, and will study at least part of your course of study in Australia,
b. a permanent humanitarian visa holder (check www.border.gov.au for the list of humanitarian visa subclasses) who will be resident in Australia for the duration of your unit(s) of study
c. a permanent visa holder undertaking bridging study for overseas-trained professionals who will be resident in Australia for the duration of your unit(s) of study. Are enrolled at an eligible course at an approved FEE-HELP provider such as ACHW by the census date Submit a valid Request for FEE-HELP loan form to your provider by the census date (or earlier administrative date). Read the current FEE-HELP Information Booklet.

Are enrolled at an eligible course at an approved FEE-HELP provider such as ACHW by the census date

Submit a valid Request for FEE-HELP loan form to your provider by the census date (or earlier administrative date).

Read the current FEE-HELP Information Booklet.

Additional Requirements

You must also meet these additional requirements for FEE-HELP eligibility:

You are enrolled in an eligible unit of study by the census date for that unit;
You have not exceeded the FEE-HELP limit;
You meet the USI requirements (for new students commencing a course of study on or after 1 January 2022)
You meet the tax file number (TFN) requirements:
- you must give your provider your valid TFN; OR
- if you don’t have a TFN you can give your provider a Certificate of application for a TFN. This certificate is available from the Australian Taxation Office after you have applied for a TFN.
For further information, please see the Study Assist website

Applying for FEE-HELP

You will need a TFN
You will need a Unique Student Identifier (USI)
You will need to read the FEE-HELP information booklet
You will need to complete a Request for FEE-HELP assistance form by the census date

You apply for a loan by providing your tax file number (TFN) and by completing a Request for Commonwealth Assistance form. Before you sign and submit your form you must read the current FEE-HELP information booklet. The request for assistance form will ask you to provide your TFN. If you don’t have a TFN, you can give ACHW a Certificate of application for a TFN. This certificate is available from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) after you have applied for a TFN. Contact the ATO on 13 28 61 for TFN information.

If you are a visa holder (i.e not an Australian citizen) seeking FEE-HELP, you will be asked to provide additional information relating to your visa status to ACHW. You must provide an extract from the Australian Government portal VEVO that outlines your visa subclass, status and conditions. ACHW will confirm the information from VEVO as part of the eligibility criteria for FEE-HELP.

You must submit the signed and completed form to ACHW by the census date. If you do not submit your form on or before the census date, you will not be able to utilise FEE-HELP for your tuition fees for that fee period.

FEE-HELP Loan fee

When enrolled in a full fee-paying place, there is a 20 per cent FEE-HELP loan fee applied to the ACHW undergraduate programs. The loan fee does not count towards the HELP loan limit. The loan fee is applied to each unit of study.

What is a census date?

The census date is the last day you can:
submit your Request for a FEE-HELP loan form, or
withdraw your unit(s)enrolment without incurring the cost or debt for that unit(s).

How much can you borrow?

Students should note that they can borrow up to the FEE-HELP limit to pay their tuition fees. The FEE-HELP limit is the total amount available to you under both FEE-HELP, VET Student Loans and VET FEE-HELP over your lifetime.

In 2025, the FEE-HELP limit is $126,839 for most students.

Withdrawing or Deferring from a Unit of Study

‍You can withdraw or defer your enrolment in a unit of study at any time before the census date. If you withdraw on or before the census date for a unit of study you will not incur a FEE-HELP debt and you will receive a refund for any up-front tuition fees that were made on or before the census date. For further information, please refer to our Domestic Enrolment, Withdrawal, Deferral and Refunds Policy and Procedure.

Special Circumstances

If you need to withdraw or defer because of a situation beyond your control, you can apply for special circumstances. For further information, please refer to our Refunds Policy.

Repaying your FEE-HELP

You have to start repaying your HELP debt through the taxation system once your repayment income is above the compulsory repayment threshold ( $54,435 or above for the 2024-25 financial year), even if you are still studying. Information on the compulsory repayment threshold level and the rate at which you must repay your debt is available on the StudyAssist website .

Fee Schedules and Census Dates

The fee schedules below contain the tuition fees and census dates for the units of study which make up ACHW’s FEE-HELP eligible courses. Please note that some units may be completed online or on clinic premises. For students enrolling for courses commencing in 2017 and future years ACHW reserves the right to adjust tuition fees annually.

Additional Fees

Award re-issuance AUD $120
Clinic non-attendance fee AUD $250

Clinic non-attendance fee

Where a student has booked a clinic session but does not attend all scheduled clinic hours without sufficient notice or due to special consideration, ACHW may charge a non-attendance fee. If a student is unable to attend a booked clinic session, they must give ACHW sufficient notice no later than 10 business days of the start date of the scheduled clinic block in order to cancel their booking. The non-attendance fee will be waived only where special consideration applies as defined in the ACHW Domestic Enrolment, Deferral, Withdrawal and Refund Policy and Procedure. Applications for special consideration must be made to ACHW via email as soon as possible and no later than 5 days past the missed clinic session. The non-attendance fee is non-refundable.

Fee Schedules and Census Dates

The Unique Student Identifier (known as a USI) is a reference number made up of a combination of ten numbers and letters. Your USI will be used to connect your student loan information to your personal details. You can log in to www.usi.gov.au and check or update your details at any time. Applying for a USI is fast and free, and you keep the same USI for life. You can apply for a USI in as little as five minutes at www.usi.gov.au.

Schedule of Fees 2025 - April 14 to December 31, 2025

Schedule of Fees 2025 - January 1 to April 13, 2025

Schedule of Fees 2024 - April 15 to December 31, 2024

Schedule of Fees 2024 - January 1 to April 14, 2024

Schedule of Fees August 28 to December 31, 2023

Schedule of Fees January 1 to August 27, 2023

Schedule of Fees 2022

Schedule of Fees 2021

Schedule of Fees 2020

Archived Schedule of Fees