CAP302 Clinical Observations

Relevant Qualifications

This unit is available for these qualifications:

Unit Description

Within this learning environment, concepts integral to clinical aesthetics are placed in context and personal practice, utilising the course's learning by reflecting on the learnt studies and experience.

The observation is turned inward so students can explore their thoughts and feelings of professional clinical practice aligned to patient skin concerns.

Students will explore, analyse and utilise various technologies, procedures and products essential to aesthetic practice to demonstrate knowledge and possible mechanical and physical interventions to develop an efficient approach in a series of case studies.

Researched responses to case studies is an assessed outcome incorporating the theoretical underpinning knowledge aligned to the practical application of the skill of the aesthetic sciences and artistry relating to identification and treatment of various skin concerns.  

Students must document a reflective journal regarding their learning and inherent changes in attitude and behaviour while studying in the program over the three years.

The students themselves are not expected to undertake any individual 'hands on' procedures; however, they are required to carefully think and document how they would undertake clinical treatment protocols.


To gain the most benefit out of CAP 302 Clinical Observation, students must have successfully completed previous Year One and Year Two units to build upon and further develop the knowledge and skills acquired in prior units.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the student will be able to:

Graduate Attributes (GA)

In addition to the unit-specific learning outcomes listed above, the following graduate attributes are taught, developed and assessed in varying degrees within this unit:

Key Dates

Week 1 Classes commence
Post Week 6 Mid-semester break
Week 7 Assessment 1: Mid-semester examination (25%)
Week 8-11 Assessment 2: Weekly case study (40%)
Week 14 Assessment 3: Reflective Journal (30%)
Week 15 (if not before) Assessment 4: Laser Safety certificate (5%)